Voormalige hervormde kerk te Ens
Lex Smid uit Abbotsford in Canada woonde jarenlang tegenover de Nederlandse hervormde kerk in Ens. Hij reageert (in het Engels) op het artikel ”Wonen in een kerk”, woensdag in het Reformatorisch Dagblad.

„Our parents of my brother John and I, lived for many years opposite the Hervormde Kerk in Ens, which was build in 1952 by a contractor named Ooms. As we were employed by him at the time, we worked also on building the steep roof of the church, witnessed the daily progress of the artist making the beautiful mosaic of the sower, and at years end tolled the just installed church bell, ending with 12 „klokslagen.” It woke up the whole town and mr. Ooms strode down to inspect. We had to manipulate the bell by hand, thus were right up in the little tower and since we had pulled up the ladders leading to it, mr Ooms couln’t get to us. The local papers mentioned „dat met levensgevaar een paar belhamels the nieuwe klok hadden ingewijd, zij het volkomen illegaal en onverantwoordelijk.”