Subthema 'Reformed Daily'

,,Persecution China on rise"

BEIJING - A spokesman with Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), a ministry to the persecuted Church around the world, says Communist China's government is ramping up persecution against Christians as the 2008 Olympic games approach.
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English version of Values and Norms Guide RMU

VEENENDAAL - The "Waarden en Normen Wijzer" of the Reformatorische Maatschappelijke Unie (RMU) is now also available in English as the "Values and Norms Guide".
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Prince Charles says ban McDonald's food

LONDON - Prince Charles suggested Tuesday on a visit to the United Arab Emirates that banning McDonald's fast food was crucial for improving people's diets, a British news agency reported.
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"And it came to pass at noon that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud"

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Europol: Police in seven European nations stop heist

Police in seven European countries have broken up a network that carried out more than 200 carefully choreographed armed robberies of jewelry stores, and channeled $53 million in loot into drugs and real estate, Europol said Wednesday.
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Teen rescues three brothers from icy creek

Three young brothers who fell through ice into a frigid creek were rescued by a teenage neighbor who heard his mother’s frightened screams for help, police said.
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Climbers relied on pep talks

The three hikers rescued after a fall and an icy night on Mount Hood said Wednesday their survival techniques included exercise and pep talks.
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Child flu deaths worried schools USA

Midway through the month when influenza typically peaks, health officials were monitoring four hospitalized Nebraska children, while three North Carolina schools remained closed over widespread symptoms of the illness.
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Action needed to save coastline of Wales

Action is needed now to enable Wales to adapt to rising sea levels -a new National Trust report highlights challenges ahead on Welsh coast.
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Advocates US: Learn from traffic safety in The Netherlands

Despite the human and financial toll of traffic fatalities annually in the United States -43,000 deaths and 2.7 million injuries at a cost of about $230 billion- such accidents are often viewed as an inevitable, if tragic, byproduct of driving. Now a small but growing number of safety advocates and transportation researchers want to change that perception, partly by borrowing proven strategies from Europe and Australia.
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