Subthema 'Reformed Daily'

Clinton: Eating habits USA are huge cultural problem

WASHINGTON - Former President Clinton, a reformed overeater, urged the nation’s governors last Tuesday to embrace a long-term effort to change the nation’s culture of too much food and too little exercise.
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Mountain lion found wandering in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES - A mountain lion that wandered into an Altadena (California, USA) neighborhood was tranquilized last Monday and removed by authorities, a state wildlife official said.
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Reading key to college success

WASHINGTON - One major factor separates high school graduates who are ready for college from those who aren’t, a new study shows: how well students handle complex reading.
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Court allows church’s hallucinogenic tea

WASHINGTON - A small branch of a South American religious sect may use hallucinogenic tea as part of a ritual intended to connect with God, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled last Tuesday.
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Girls USA surpass boys in at-risk behaviors

WASHINGTON - The White House drug czar has released a new study that indicates teenage girls across the United States are using marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes at higher rates than boys.
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Blood-infection drug is approved

ROCKVILLE - The USA Food and Drug Administration in Rockville (Maryland) have said it approved a new drug by Pfizer Inc. to treat certain candida infections, including a common, deadly hospital-acquired bloodstream infection.
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Girl (12) pleads no contest in bomb threat

MOUNT CLEMENS - A 12-year-old girl accused of messaging friends about a plan to bomb her suburban middle school pleaded no contest to terror threat charges.
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Checking internet to track volcano

ANCHORAGE - From his home in Nanwalek, Vince Evans can stare across the water at Augustine Volcano as it pumps out clouds of ash and steam. But like many residents in the isolated village, Evans prefers to check the Internet for the latest on the erupting island mount.
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Snow from building kills student Japan

TOKYO - Heavy snow slid off the roof of a school building, has killed a student in northern Japan last Wednesday, police said.
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Bull terrier Rufus wins Best in Show

NEW YORK - A colored bull terrier called Rufus used his head Tuesday night to become America’s top dog.
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