Subthema 'Reformed Daily'

Searches of North Korean ships sticky issue

This would be the scenario: North Korean ships suspected of carrying weapons would be halted at sea by a U.S.-allied naval force, with commandos swooping in from helicopters to search the vessel from bow to stern.
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Muslim scholars write the pope

Thirty-eight Muslim scholars from 20 countries in the U.S. sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI urging mutual tolerance and respect over the weekend, and 500 prominent Muslims signed a religious ruling rejecting violence against civilians this week. Neither got much publicity.
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Student says mention of prayer enrages professor

 ”For Christ and Humanity”. That’s the motto of Olivet College in Michigan, where a Christian student says he was punished by one of his professors for making a reference to God in the classroom.
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Dozens hurt when 3 school buses crash

Last Tuesday morning, three school buses carrying students on a field trip near Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA) were caught in a chain-reaction crash on a rainy highway, injuring dozens of children and adults, school and police officials said.
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Holy war against Horn of Africa rival Ethiopia

Last week Somali jihadists declared holy war against Horn of Africa rival Ethiopia. At least 48 hours before the pronouncement, church leaders in southwestern Ethiopia already had discovered they were at war with radical Islamists. If true, the clashes could mark a dangerous new regional conflict.
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Ill teenager: „I’m feeling wonderful”

The ill teenager who won a court fight to forgo chemotherapy is coming home to Virginia (USA) this week, feeling energetic and hopeful that five weeks of an alternative treatment will help him defeat cancer.
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Alaska villages reject oil from Venezuela

In the native villages of Alaska (USA), the punishing winter cold is already coming through the walls of the lightly insulated plywood homes, many of the villagers are desperately poor, and heating-oil prices are among the highest in the nation.
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Warning over ‘broken up’ internet

The internet could one day be broken up into separate networks around the world, a leading light in the development of the net has warned.
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National Institute for Marriage in USA successful

In a day in which divorce ravages marriages around the world, the National Institute for Marriage (NIM) is experiencing a phenomenal success rate in saving troubled marriages.
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„But he that judgeth me is the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 4:4

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