NEW MALDEN - The government of Uzbekistan has launched a publicity drive, claiming that the country does uphold religious tolerance. The move follows the designation of Uzbekistan as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) by the US State Department in November 2006.

Uzbekistan’s harshening crackdown on religious freedom began in 2005. An anti-Protestant and anti-Jehovah’s Witness campaign has seen increasing restrictions, including inspections of all religious communities, religious investigations in schools, police raids, closures and destruction of churches and mosques, and the expulsion of foreigners linked with religious communities.

The majority religious community, Islam, is also suffering. Forum 18 reports that authorities in the strongly Muslim Andijan region of the country have instituted a new ban on the Muslim call to prayer from mosques, another court has ordered the confiscation and burning of Christian literature and the government’s Religious Affairs Committee has banned Jehovah’s Witnesses from importing Bibles.

Following Uzbekistan’s designation as a CPC, Forum 18 reported that in December 2006 the Uzbek government alleged that a non-governmental poll found only 3.9 per cent of those surveyed feel religiously oppressed. It is noteworthy that the polling agency was funded by the government.

The survey followed a state TV broadcast, entitled ”Hypocrites”, which promoted anti-Protestant and anti-Jehovah’s Witness sentiments. Forum 18 reported that the programme accused these groups of promoting drug addiction, turning converts into zombies and wanting to promote fights between people of different faiths. It also implied that there is a link between religious freedom and religious extremism, and violence.

This propaganda campaign is also being mounted outside Uzbekistan, with recent Uzbek government sponsored meetings in Brussels and this week in London. The Uzbek Embassy in the UK is organizing a day seminar with Three Faiths Forum on „Uzbekistan’s experience in achieving inter-religious harmony.”

CSW National Director, Stuart Windsor, says: „The Uzbek government has an appalling record on religious freedom, which has led to their designation as a Country of Particular Concern by the US State Department. Sadly, the government has chosen to respond to this designation by covering up the problem rather than tackling the root causes. We urge the International Community look beyond this façade and instead take action to uphold international standards on religious freedom.” (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)