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„Marriage protection amendment needed”

HARRISBURG - Pro-family forces in Pennsylvania are pushing legislators to allow voters to decide the fate of a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage.

The process would take about two years, but Christian activists say a marriage protection amendment is needed. Last week, legislation was introduced in Maryland that would allow homosexuals to marry. And in New Jersey, homosexual activists -after seeing civil unions approved in that state- are now pushing for legalized same-sex ”marriage”.

Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, says pro-homosexual forces will rally against any effort to protect traditional marriage. „I would be surprised if they’re not getting outside funding for their campaign against the marriage protection amendment”, she says.

According to Gramley, homosexual organizations in other states have received help from the Human Rights Campaign in order to fight traditional marriage amendments. Consequently, she says, the pro-homosexual forces may be better organized in her state this time around. She says the earliest Pennsylvanians would be able to vote on the marriage amendment would be in 2009.

State Senator Mike Brubaker plans to introduce SB 1250, which would prohibit all civil unions and define marriage as only between a man and a woman. So far, civil unions have been legalized in Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, and New Hampshire. (OneNewsNow)

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