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English version of Values and Norms Guide RMU

VEENENDAAL - The "Waarden en Normen Wijzer" of the Reformatorische Maatschappelijke Unie (RMU) is now also available in English as the "Values and Norms Guide".

According to RMU-director Peter Schalk, it was regularly asked whether the Guide, which had been presented by the RMU in 2003 as a little, foldable booklet with a theoretical and a practical side, was alo available in English. "Especially people from business and organizations with worldwide contacts showed interest in an English version."


The first copy of the Guide was handed over to then Minister of Justice Donner. Many requests were received since. By now, about 110,000 copies of the flyer have been distributed at schools and clubs and among members of political parties and many social organizations, Schalk states.

In the RMU Guide, it is shown on the basis of the Ten Commandments that there are three core values, being stewardship over creation, helpfulness towards one another, and justice in society. These core values have been applied in practical norms for behavior in labor and profession. "But these values and norms are also applicable in other settings", Schalk explains. "We hope that the norms on the practical side will make people without a christian background also curious about the ethics behind our behavior."

The RMU plans to offer the "Values and Norms Guide" to secondary schools as well. The organization expects it to be interesting teaching material, especially for pupils taking bilingual education. (RD)

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