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What does „washed his hands” mean?

WEST LINN - An English teacher at West Linn High School (Oregon, USA) tells the story of how her literature students were discussing in class one day a modern work in which a character „washed his hands” of a situation.


„OK, what does that mean?” former Oregon Teacher of the Year Barbara Lynn Murray asked the class. „What does it mean when you wash your hands of something?”

Student responses ran the gamut, she said. „I got everything from „Ivory! It’s 99.6 percent pure!” to „They just want him to be really clean, right?””

„OK, but there’s an allusion here”, Murray told the class. „Do any of you know what that is?”

There were a few kids who did. „Isn’t that like…”, one said hesitantly, „…Pontius Pilate?” (World)

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